Hey everyone, this is The_SynchroGuy, and I’m here to talk about the newly revealed Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel simulator! For those of you that don’t know, this morning (on July 20th), Konami hosted a live stream event that they called “Digital Next”. In this stream, it was solely focused on the online gaming for Yu-Gi-Oh! What’s coming up, what’s new, stuff like that. If you want to check it out for yourself, here’s the official video of it.
For the TLDR version: the Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duels game that’s coming out on Nintendo Switch for Japan in August this year is also going to be released to the Americas and Europe in Fall later this year! (If you’re a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens, or been wanting to try out Rush Duels, make sure you have your Switch ready to go this Fall.) Also, the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V is officially coming to Duel Links. However, we didn’t get any gameplay footage of what this could look like, so we don’t know if Pendulums will be put into the game. And if so, we don’t know how it’s gonna look. Next, we have a new mobile app game being developed called “Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel”. We don’t know what this is gonna look like, but from what they told us, it’s going to be a four-player card battle game. (Again, no further information beyond that.)
Alright, now let’s talk about the thing that brought you to this post. The reveal of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel!
Remember how we kept asking and begging for Konami to make an official Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator that’s not Legacy of the Duelist? Well, our prayers have finally been answered! This is the official Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator that we’ve been waiting for! And as you can see, it looks like the Yu-Gi-Oh! version of Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering Arena. (Seriously, watch the preview we got in the video above if you haven’t already!) This game is going to be supporting the official Master Rules for both the OCG & TCG. And, it’s going to be released on: Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam, iOS, and Android. (Yes, even you mobile players can join in on the fun.)
(Side Note: rarities are looking to be included as well. See that Ultra Rare Naelshaddoll Ariel in the middle?)
On top of that, if you’re a new or returning player to the game, fear not, for there will be tutorials on how to play the game. And once you’ve gotten the hang of it, try out your new skills in one of the tournaments that will be in the game. The game will have tournaments for both competitive and casual play. A good way to show everyone why you are the true King of Games. But if you just want to watch some Twitch streamer play the game, that’s fine too. They have also made it so that people watching can easily follow along on what’s happening. (Or, more so, they’re confident the audience will be able to.)
Alright, now let’s tackle some concerns some people are having with this game.
1. Are they going to keep this game up to date?
Yes, actually.
In the past, when Konami released Legacy of the Duelist and the Link Evolution sequel, Konami updated those games for a bit before eventually stopping it completely. But that’s not going to be the case for Master Duel. We know this because they have said in the video that they plan on making an official event for this game at the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship. Similar to how you can get your invite to the World Championship in Duel Links. If that’s what they’re planning on doing, then I highly doubt they’re gonna stop updating this game. I mean it when I say that this is looking to be the simulator we’ve been waiting for.
2. Can I turn off the animations?
You should be able to. (At least, I think.)
From the video above, you can see how cool the animations are gonna be. However, not everyone is a fan of this. Either because they don’t like the animations, or because they just want to focus on playing the game and have it be over as quick as possible, and not just wait like 10 seconds for the animation to be over. We haven’t seen if it will be possible, but from this one quote from the video, there is a good chance you should be able to turn those off. “We have tried to keep a good balance between the presentation and the temp of the duels.”
Again, this does not confirm if it will be possible, but it does sound like you should still be able to play your games in Master Duel at a reasonable pace. I do enjoy those animations, but I do hope they give us the option to turn those off.
Now for the question of the day.
3. Are there going to be microtransactions?
Yes there will be.
(Source: MTG Arena)
After the presentation, Famitsu, a company that publishes Japanese video game magazines, gave us a little bit more info about all of the games that were talked about today. Not a whole lot, but they did give us insight on what the prices/fees we should expect from each of the games. And they confirmed that Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is going to be free to play! But, there will be microtransactions.
So, yes, this means that you are most likely going to have to get packs from within the game, either with points or money, and try to pull the cards you want to get. This move should not be too surprising though. They have shown us in Duel Links that they want to give players the “full” experience of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! in real life. Not to mention, other games like Hearthstone and MTG Arena have done it too, so it should be expected that Konami would do the same thing for this game.
Will the microtransaction be good or bad though is the real question. Until we get some actual gameplay footage from players/YugiTubers, once the game has officially been released, it’s anyone’s guess.
Right away, that last question is the biggest concern that a lot of players are having right now. After all, not everyone is made of money, and it’s not exactly cheap to play as a super, top tier competitive player in real life. All I can say is, I do hope the microtransaction will not be too bad. Still though, we all know how players love to make fun of Konami. So yeah, that last question is going to be on their minds until the game officially releases.
However, I for one am excited for this game. I don’t care too much about the microtransaction part. Simply because there’s one thing about this game that will make this so beneficial to everyone. And that is: official rulings!
Seriously! Do you know how often we had moments where a ruling that gets established for the OCG does not transfer over in the exact same way for the TCG? Quite often! While recently we have been closing that gap, that gap still exists. But now that we are getting an official Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator from Konami themselves, we can count on the fact that whatever happens in the game should be the same case when it happens in the trading card game, and I highly doubt Konami is gonna program in different rulings for the TCG and OCG. Heck, the only difference between the two should be the banlist and the cardpool.
Now I’m not trying to say that once the game comes out, you should use it as your reason as to why a certain card interaction happens when you play that game in real life. (That’s not a reason, that’s just a pathetic excuse.) You still need to understand card rulings and card text in order to understand why something happened in the way that it did. What I’m trying to say is, since this game is officially made by Konami, that means they know how they want their cards to work. Which means, they will want to have the cards in this game work exactly as they do in the trading card game version. If they don’t, that’s gonna look really bad on their end.
Alright, so when does Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel come out? Unfortunately, Konami has yet to announce a release date for this game. My guess is that this game will be released some time next year, 2022, or the year after, 2023. In the meantime, we’re gonna have to be patient. Still though, I’m excited for this game! Both for the gameplay, and the official rulings!
Anyway, that’s enough from me, let me know in the comments what you think about Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! Are you excited about it? Or do you still have some concerns about this game? I would love to hear your thoughts!
I’ll see you guys in the next one! Hope you have/had an awesome day today!