Hey everyone, this is The_SynchroGuy, and in this post, I thought I would do something a little different. As of late, we have been seeing a bunch of different archetypes from the different eras in Yu-Gi-Oh get support. While they haven’t been stupidly amazing, it is still cool to see them get support and become a bit more playable in today’s game. Like Armed Dragon. The whole LV system was practically dead, but Konami gave them decent support that made leveling up much, much easier than before.

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Lately, I’ve been starting to think of some archetypes that I would love to see get support. Not just any archetype in particular. I’m talking about archetypes that have been in any of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime series, so I guess you can say this is more of a casual post. But still, I think it would be really great to see Konami focus on some of these archetypes, that I’m going to be mentioning, and actually make them become playable. Or at least it’ll hit everyone with nostalgia feeling that Konami just knows how to hit.


I’m going to go through each of the eras (from DM to VRAINS) and just mention one archetype from that era that I want to see get support the most. I would also love to hear which ones you would love to see get support in the near future. There’s no guarantee that Konami is going to give every archetype, from all the eras, support, but with the way core booster sets have been lately, maybe there might be a chance. We’ll have to wait and see. Anyway, let’s get into it!

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DM: Summoned Skull

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I know Summoned Skull has gotten a little bit of support in the form of a: Ritual, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Monster, but there is no real consistent way to make them! Seriously, how are we supposed to do that? And even when we do make them, their effects are mainly focused around Summoned Skull. With that said, we need to see Summoned Skull get some awesome new support cards that can help make all of these monsters, consistently.


Like, say, one can have an effect to Fusion Summon, one can search out both the Ritual Spell and Ritual Monster, some of them will have to be different Levels so that Synchro Summoning can work, and one can have an effect to manipulate its Level and/or the Level of the other monsters for Xyz plays. And of course, they’re going to be focused around Summoned Skull, so maybe give these guys a little bonus too? Or would that be too much. Either way, I would love to see Summoned Skull become playable in today’s game.


GX: Clear World

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You probably don’t know this one if you have never seen season 4 of GX, which never got dubbed internationally (boo). But in that season, one of the bad guys (Yusuke Fujiwara) played this deck to try to beat the heroes of this show. It was interesting because the Field Spell he used would punish you for playing any one of the 6 main attributes. (Divine attribute gets a pass, though.) Sadly, when they were first printed, we only got 2 of the cards! Those cards being the Field Spell and Clear Vice Dragon.

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Can’t really make a Clear World deck with just two cards to their name. That’s why I would love to see us not only get more of the Clear World cards used in the anime, but some other support that were not in the anime. Either way, I want to see this deck become playable in today’s world. Probably won’t be meta, but who cares. They got the LV system to be playable (somewhat) in today’s game. Same thing with Union monsters, so let’s see this archetype get some love.


5Ds: Morphtronic

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At the beginning I would’ve said Ancient Fairy support, but since that card is still currently banned, that’s not gonna be happening any time soon. Although, it would be cool to get support for her right around the time she comes off the list. But until that happens, I’m gonna go with my other choice: Morphtronic.


This deck has hardly seen the light of day since it got their latest new card, “Morphtronic Smartfon” back in the beginning of 2015. That card helped give the deck the power to turbo out Shooting Quasar Dragon, provided they hit a good excavation number and hit the card they were looking for.

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But yeah, this archetype can use a major revamp. One thing I would like to see is for them to get their own Synchro Monster. I know their go to Synchro Monster is Power Tool Dragon, but I would like to see a Synchro Monster with the Morphtronic word in its name. Heck, this can be a Synchro Monster that helps the archetype adjust their battle positions so that the player can get the effect based position they want.


They can also use some other new cards since a bunch of their old ones are just not that great. Especially since they came out in a time before the way Yu-Gi-Oh is now. Plus, some of their cards need to be updated with Problem Solving Card Text (PSCT). Bottomline: let’s see this archetype get some amazing new stuff! Also, a day may come where Power Tool Dragon gets banned, so let’s give them enough support to sustain themselves without Power Tool, if needed.


Zexal: Heartland

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Okay, this might seem like a weird one to some of you, so let me give some detail. This is a Zexal archetype used by Mr. Heartland, but it did not appear in the anime because he used that weird bug deck based around that fake Number card. Instead, he used this archetype in the Zexal manga.

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So far, we only have one of the cards he used, that card being “Number 82: Heartlandraco”.

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Now I’m not suggesting this because I think the deck would be meta, but because it would be another dueltaining type of deck we would have. We already have stuff like Performages and Pals, as well as the brand new upcoming “Amazement” archetype, so let’s add to it by getting the whole Heartland cards. Then, we can have a dueltaining tournament to see which dueltaining deck is the best!


Arc-V: Performage

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Keeping on the track of dueltaining, I would like to see Performages get more support. Including their other cards from the anime. By that I mean their Fusion Monster and the Rank-Up version of Trapeze Magician. Be cool to see this archetype become its own stand alone deck. Especially since they only have a couple of cards to their name. Right now, only three of them are good, and see a bit of play to this day.

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Still though, it’s mostly those cards that make up the archetype so far. And since one of them is still stuck on the banlist, it’d be nice to see this archetype to get more support so it can make some interesting plays. Maybe they can even get a new Rank 4 Xyz Monster or something? I don’t know. Just think this archetype can use a bit of love.


VRAINS: Appliancer

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I mean, why not? Ai’s archetype, “@ignister”, got support in the span of one year. In case you don’t know, this is the archetype used by Roboppi in the VRAINS anime. It’s just a neat little deck that’s based on household appliances. They already have a couple of cards, but they can use a little more push. They do have some cards from the anime they are missing, but getting some new cards not from the anime would be great too. Especially since, after looking at their other cards from the anime, those anime cards are not the greatest. Unless Konami decides to adjust their effects.


One cool thing I think would be great is to see this archetype get a Link-3 monster with all bottom arrows. If so, maybe we can get a new Link-1 monster with an upper left arrow with a good effect(s). At the very least, the Link-3 will help make some more room to summon more “Appliancer” Link Monsters. If not that, then perhaps a brand new Link-2 monster that can provide a little more, something something, to the table compared to Celtopus.

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In the end, these are all just my thoughts and suggestions. I’m not gonna hope that Konami does support these archetypes anytime soon. But then again, we live in a new world in which the main booster sets are semi-free from the anime, so a lot of different, older anime archetypes have a higher chance to get some support. Albeit, some of them got a couple or a bunch of cards, while others only get one new card. Even so though, just getting at least one new card would be amazing.


Anyway, those are all my thoughts, let me know what anime archetypes you guys would love to see get some support in future sets! I would love to hear your thoughts!

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I’ll see you guys in the next one! Hope you have/had an awesome day today! :grin: :thumbsup: